Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ever Been to a Laughter Class to Relieve Stress?

Laughter class teaches stress relief techniques

News Writer
Published: Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Updated: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 00:02

If you heard a lot of chuckles emanating from Stapleton Lounge on Tuesday night, don't be alarmed. Certified laughter leader Mary Labuzienski provided an optimistic guide to college life as part of Saint Mary's "Love Your Body Week."

Labuzienski presented simple ways to be humorous in times of stress in the talk "Love my body? What's not to love!" A clinical exercise physiologist, Labuzienski trains people of all ages to release stress in their daily lives.

To live healthy lives, Labuzienski said students need to laugh, smile, celebrate and play.
"Laugh and make others laugh," she said. "You have to make it happen."

Labuzienski said laughter is a critical component in performing everyday tasks well.

"Laughter is a positive emotion that helps us to move forward," she said. "It allows us to act. We become paralyzed when we are too stressed."

Labuzienski said stress weakens the physical and emotional aspects of the mind and body. She said positive emotions allow people to take stress away from the body.

"Laughter is the shortcut to stress resistance," she said.

For college students, a stress-free lifestyle seems near impossible, Labuzienski said. However, she said social environments full of laughter and positivity can release the negative energy anxiety causes.

"On average, a person should laugh a total of 15 minutes, with each being three seconds long throughout a day," she said.

By isolating themselves from others, college students are unable to obtain the daily positive levels needed to keep concentration or creativity. Labuzienski said students need to take the time everyday to engage in humorous interactions, devoting at least five minutes at a time to initiate a comedic conversation or a funny joke.

Positive psychology leads people to thrive, and as such, happiness should be a part of every person's life, Labuzienski said.

"Laughter is a shortcut to happiness," Labuzienski said. "It makes us more attractive people when we are happy and others like happy people."

As such, the role laughter plays in everyday life can contribute to overall levels of happiness.

"Fifty percent of happiness is genetic, 10 percent is what happens in a person's life and 40 percent is what daily events occur in a person's life," she said.

My Thoughts

Imagine that!  A laughter class.  This is a great idea.  Imagine a class where there are no lessons.  Only jokes and laughter.  That class should be required.  And I would volunteer to be the teacher.

I know for a fact, that laughter relieves stress.  I've seen it's power in my training sessions.  I've experienced for myself how laughter can turn around a potentially explosive situation.  So, why not a laughter class?